Libertad, Antique
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FEATURES The Municipality of Libertad is in the northernmost part of Antique. It is bounded on the north by Malay, Aklan on the south by Sulu Sea; on the Northwest by Buruanga, Aklan; on the east by Pandan, Antique; on the northeast by Nabas, Aklan. It is 146.60 kilometers away from the provincial capital, San Jose de Buenavista. Libertad is composed of 19 barangays, 14 of which are coastal barangays and 5 are upland. Estimated length of its coastline is 18.50 kilometers. Based on official boundaries using the grid method, Libertad has a total land area of 7,826 hectares, of which 7,301 hectares or 93.29 percent is upland area with slope greater than 18 percent, and 525 hectares or 6.75 percent is lowland area with slope less than 18 per cent. Out of the total land area, 70.46 percent or 5,355 hectares is classified as forest land, and 29.54 percent or 2,245 hectares is classified as alienable and disposable lands. There are efforts to save the remaining rain forests of Libertad. There are rampant illegal logging and poaching of endangered species. ECONOMIC PROFILE Main Sources of Income: Mineral Resources:
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Page Last Updated 03 Jan 2001